I think it was a sushi burrito video do you guys want to see that it's in the description box down below and this is kind of similar stuff but this is my new obsession. which are sushi sandwich yes sushi sandwiches, no I do not come up with this I wish I did, but I think in Japanese is called Amiga Das Boot Oni gave us. I think there are devices you could buy to make this like nice and pretty but I didn't buy it so it's not the prettiest thing this was my first time making it so bear with me. I am also a noob just like you, I am NOT a professional Cooking article,SUSHI SANDWICH
okay, I'm also not a complete artiste when it comes to my hand this is true Belleza vegan, not the Food Network if I can do it you could do it so I'm showing you guys three different ideas of what you could put inside this Oni Gazoo or sushi sandwich and obviously? you can do whatever you want these are just my ideas, but I think all of these fillings are delicious, they all turned out so good so I hope you guys find this video helpful and interesting and I hope you don't try these out but before I get started with these recipes I need to make a huge and excellent, yes I'm so excited to make this announcement. I'm so finally glad to be making this announcement and the announcement is that I am going to California whoo I wish there were people around me right now so that I don't feel like a complete loser oh my god I'm going to California and, I will be starting by going to San Francisco if you look only to San Francisco be sure to wear some flowers and yellow ahead and then I was going to Los Angeles California and I am going thanks to the vegan Network they are flying me over there which is crazy. I'm going to be attending VidCon if you guys are unaware VidCon is a huge kind of YouTuber conference networking event that happens in LA I believe once a year and I get to attend this year, thanks to the begin Network so SuperDuper excited if you guys are going to become by any chance and you might see me there yes yeah I just want to let you guys know that I will be in California and there will probably be meetups and stuff so I will keep you guys posted with that information, I know that California is I think my biggest location when it comes to my viewership so I hope to meet some of you guys there it will be such an awesome time. anyways yeah I'm going in June I should probably tell you when I'm going I will be going to San Francisco in the middle of June and then I'm staying there for a few days, and then heading off to LA I will keep you guys posted on my social media platform to let you guys know the details if I am having meetups and stuff like that which I probably will be so yeah stay tuned for that anyways here are my three different sushi sandwich recipes I hope you guys like them and if you do, please don't forget to give it a thumbs up and yeah let's just get started with an article.SUSHI
the first thing you want to do is, of course, make the rice, I'm just using two cups of sushi rice, and I'm just rinsing it about three times. and I'm making it in my rice cooker of course if you don't have a rice cooker? you can easily do this on the stove as well but if you do make rice regularly I highly recommend getting a rice cooker, because it will change your life and I'm just using a tiny bit more water than rice so I used 2 cups of rice and a little more than 2 cups of water and then I am just going to cook that and while that's cooking you can do other things but I'll just show you what I do with the rice first okay so this is the rice cooked obviously. I'm just going to stir it around mix it around and I like to let it cool in the fridge because that's the fastest.so I'm just putting it on a plate kind of laying it out somewhat flat and then I'm just going to stick it into the fridge and let it cool down a bit while I'm working on everything else so for the two cups of uncooked rice. I'm adding two tablespoons of sugar 4 tablespoons of rice vinegar. and two teaspoons of salt now I could have probably just half the sugar, so next time my prior would just add only 1 tablespoon of sugar and honestly, if you're super lazy you don't even have to add sugar or salt. you can just add rice vinegar straight into the rice, which is what I do quite often when I'm too lazy but if you want the rice today, super good then I would suggest adding the sugar in this out yep and then you can pour that mixture into the rice once it is cooled down, a little bit and then make sure you mix it thoroughly and there's your sushi rice. please the first filling we're doing making is sriracha tofu and this is so good especially if you like sriracha. I hope you guys try this out and the first thing we're to do is cook up the tofu of course, and I'm using about 350 grams of medium-firm tofu.
I would recommend using a firm or extra firm but if you are using medium-firm you just have to cook it a bit longer on each side to make sure each side is crispy just, like this so on medium, heat I probably cooked it up for about 10 to 15 minutes on each side just make sure you keep checking up on it so it doesn't burn and in a small bowl. we're just going to make the sauce I just added 1 tbsp of sriracha now I'm adding 1 tbsp of coconut aminos which is basically like a sweet soy sauce I'm adding half a tablespoon of maple syrup, and a little over half a tablespoon of rice vinegar, and we're going to mix that up together and then once the tofu is done. you can just pour that mixture on top of the tofu and just stir it around until each piece of tofu is nicely glazed and all of that sauce is distributed nicely okay and now, we can move on to the making of the actual sandwich.
so what we're going to do is lay out a piece of saran wrap and then on top of that, we are going to add the nori sheet. now you want the rough side to be on top and then we're going to add into the center some right so we don't want to add too much rice, but I don't know how much this is just approximate leave as much as you can see here and then we can add the filling so you can add whatever fillings you desire.
I'm going to add a little bit of baby spinach on top here and try to make it nice and I don't know nicely stacked okay and then we're going to add some carrots some sliced carrots or whatever you call these carrots and then we can add the tofu on top obviously the more color you, add the prettier it's going to look but it doesn't really matter okay and then we're going to add some rice on top of that now you might need to use your hand a little bit so if you use your hands to touch the rice just wet your hands a little bit first with some water so it doesn't stick too much and then you're going to fold it on each side as you can see here one side at a time and mine or sheets kept ripping a little bit I don't know how to prevent it but whatever it worked and then we're going to wrap it up with the saran wrap as you can see here on each side and then you're going to leave it for a few minutes for the nori sheets to kind of come together before you cut it up, okay.? you want to make them all burst probably and then you want to cut them up and preferably you use a butter knife, then I did my knife needs some Scharping, but this is how the first one turned out not too bad right now moving on to the second filling the idea which is roasted pepper and avocado, and you don't have to roast the pepper. but I honestly think it makes such a big difference and it tastes so good.
when you roast it so I do highly recommend it so what you want to do is cut up the pepper in half and take out the stem and all the gunk on the inside place it on a baking sheet, and you want to bake it for about an hour as 400 degrees Fahrenheit so if you want to make it a little bit faster, you can so actually, turn up the heat to about 425, and bake it for about 40 to 50 minutes until the outside starts to blacken such as this and looks very shriveled and then once you take it out you want to let it cool down for a bit before you start peeling it and then once it's cooled down you want to start peeling the outside and it should peel very easily as I'm doing here. and now we can move on to make
the sandwich and once again it's the same concept.
we have nori the sheet we have a bed of rice we're adding some spinach a few pieces of avocado, and the roasted pepper on top and I also like to add a few carrots just to make it you know more interesting okay so we're adding some more carrots and then of course. we have to top it off with another bed of rice and then we are going to fold it like I showed you before one side at a time and try not to rip it but I did but it's not the end of the world guys and then, of course, we're going to wrap it with the saran wrap, and once again you want to let it sit for a bit before you cut it so this one was a little bit uglier than I wanted it to be. but you know? it still tasted delicious so that's all that matters to me. okay, and I also made a simpler one with just roasted pepper and avocado. so if you don't want to use all those ingredients you, don't have to you could just simplify it as I did here and it still turned out very good, and last but not least we're going to be making a chickpea salad sandwich with avocado and this is a vegan version of tuna salad, and I honestly think it tastes quite similar to a tuna salad but that's just me I could be going crazy so here we go first thing we're going to do is mash a cup of cooked chickpeas.
now you can just put this into the food processor. which I don't know why I didn't do because the mashing takes quite a bit of time, so if you have a food processor use that instead it's probably a lot easier and then we are going to add one stock of chopped green onion and one stalk of chopped celery, just make sure everything is finely chopped, and now we're going to add one tablespoon of tahini one tablespoon of Dijon mustard and around 1/2 a tablespoon of a light soy sauce or some sort of soy sauce equivalent, and then we're going to mix it well together, and we are back once again. we want to lay down a piece of saran wrap, and then put a nori sheet on top like this, and then, we want to add some rice on top of a small bed of rice and then for the fillings.
I am adding a piece of lettuce a few pieces of avocado and, of course, the chickpea salad on top and you want to lay it out nicely, and then you want to of course top it off with another bed of rice and then once again you want to fold it each side at a time one side nicely try not to rip the nori sheets but if you do it's not a big deal as you can see here just try to mask it by covering with the saran wrap and once again you want to let it sit for a few minutes before you cut up the sushi sandwich. alright guys that were it for my sushi sandwiches the article I hope you guys like this if you are new to this article, and if you enjoy content similar to this then don't forget to follow my blog